Sunday, 3 April 2011

Scooby Doo: The Last Day!

Waking up realising it would be my last day as Scooby was weird. I felt sad, because I had grown attached to the costume (especially the tail),  but I was also relieved that my hair would no longer itch under the fleece hood - no I didn't catch fleas!

I started the day in the LRC doing an assignment, and I think having my peripheral vision obscured by the costume actually helped me to concentrate, like blinkers on a horse. After finishing my assignment in record time I headed to my Native American Literature lecture.

My lecturer asked "who has read the book this week?" and I had to be honest, and shook my head, this prompted my lectuer to say, to my surprise, "bad dog!". You really do have to be on your best behaviour when you stand out so much.

After Literature I headed to Nandos for the third time this week! This time with Letara Buckley. I think the staff where different from Tuesday because nobody seemed to recognise me - although the waiter did give me a Scooby Spud (touching fists, not a type of potato). We were seated right next to the window, which naturally caused a lot of attention, people would walk the whole length of the restaurant following me with their eyes rather than looking where they were going. Tara didn't seem to mind and told me that every time I bowed my head to eat, it looked like Scooby himself was munching the chicken.

I came home to find my friend from home, Amarhl Robinson, with my housemates (he'd been to Batchwoods nightclub the night before). I was planning to drop him back to London on my way home so he accompanied me to the Galleria to buy my mum her Mothers' Day present.

After rushing around dropping people home and to the train station we started our journey home. But first I needed PETrol...

Whilst passing through London I decided to visit my siblings in Chiswick. My sister, Zosia, was on webcam to her friends, but luckily it wasn't working her end so they couldn't see me. My youngest brother, Luca, was just going to bed so I poked my head into his room and probably gave him nightmares for the rest of the night. Meanwhile my brother Alus loved the costume and took a picture with me.

Eventually I made it back to Farnham, my dogs seemed a bit alarmed when I first came through the door but I soon took it off and in the words of Florence and the Machine: Dog Days are Over.

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